PLAY Health & Fitness Iso Newsletter 2020
Before I start, I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all. This has been such a huge transition for everyone, and the care and compassion that you have shown, not just to me, but to other members of PLAY has been heartwarming, although not surprising, because you are all such beautiful people.
Thanks to the wonderful world of “ZOOM”, I can see you in your homes...not in a creepy stalker way, but rather in a way where we can still get together as a community and have a workout together.
PLAY @ Home
online and virtual training
No matter where you are, the online sessions provide routine, movement, accountability and sweat! You can join in on the fun for $30 per week per household, so get your partner, kids and or pets involved! No lock in contracts and no sign up fee. You can join in the ZOOM sessions, where I can correct and monitor technique, tell you to do just a couple more, when you want to give up or you can watch a replay of any of the sessions at a time that suits you.
Here are the links to some workouts you can try at home...

Challenge yourself physically, learn about mental health, engage in some friendly rivalry and help our organisation support mental health and suicide prevention through The Push-Up Challenge.
Over the course of 21-days in May you'll be challenged to complete 3,046 push-ups in total, representing the number of lives lost in Australia to suicide in 2018.
Push-ups can be done just about anywhere, and you can spread your push-ups out over the day. Alternatives to push-ups are also welcome.
The number of push-ups changes each day to reflect a vital mental health statistic, so along the way you’ll receive some mental health tips and facts.
All funds raised through The Push-Up Challenge this year are supporting headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation (fundraising is optional but encouraged).
Join our Community and thousands of others across Australia to push for better mental health!
To get involved:
Go to our Community page https://www.thepushupchallenge.com.au/team/4355-players
Spread the word and get others involved
Start prepping yourself!
11th to 31st May: Start pushing!
If you have any queries, please contact the good people at The Push-Up Challenge through their website www.thepushupchallenge.com.au
Get fit, have fun and learn about mental health
11th to 31st May 2020
Stay safe.
Mars x